daniel loomanComment

Rob Manfred, "no soup for you!"

daniel loomanComment
Rob Manfred, "no soup for you!"

Am I the only one who thinks Rob Manfred should lose his job and the Astros title be revoked?!


The Houston Astros baseball team were caught red handed.

They cheated.

In the world series no less, and likely many games in the previous 2+ seasons.

They retain their title, trophy, rings, championship and all the money with it.

They’re laughing all the way to the bank.

So far, 4 players/coaches were asked to resign.  That’s it.


Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to ignore this and move on?



I don’t think so.


For those unfamiliar, Rob “beedle-dee-bob, do nothing with his job” Manfred is the commissioner of Major League Baseball (MLB).  He’s been in the spotlight recently because he had the opportunity to make things right and failed.  Everyone makes mistakes, but I think this calls for Rob losing his job and everything the Astros received being returned, including the money, trophy, rings, hanging banners, and champagne spilled. 


A handful of coaches and players from the Houston Astros admitted to stealing signs from the catcher of the opposing team and relayed the information on to hitters, who in turn knew what kind of pitch was coming.  A clear advantage to winning.  Note, it is not illegal to steal signs, but the manner in which they did so, is. 


By choosing not to discipline the players for their actions, there will be a domino effect of misbehavior.  We’re teaching people, adults, and more importantly, kids, that cheating is ok.  You can cheat and win.  Clear and simple.  Lame.

On why he went after management (asking them to resign) and not after players, Manfred states, “the players have shown in their interviews that they’re sorry and feel bad.  They have to live with it the rest of their lives and that is enough punishment.”  What. A. Joke.


On the first day of Houston Astros spring training, Owner Jim Crane said “our opinion is that it didn’t affect the outcome of the game”.  Only 55 seconds later, he said he did not say those words.  Gulp. 

No Astros player, coach or owner have admitted “cheating” and many have taken days/weeks to even admit to being wrong.  Embarrassing. 


Players are fined and suspended 6-12 months from the league for PED’s/steroids/substance abuse.  Cheating?  “No worries, you’re still a champion. Just don’t do it again, ok?”

Pete Rose was caught betting on baseball and received a lifetime ban from the MLB.  

Why not do the same to the people involved in the Astros scandal?!


More and more MLB players are speaking out, including pitchers from other teams admitting they plan on beaning (intentionally hitting the batter with the baseball) some of the Astros this upcoming season.  In response, the new manager of the Astros and Manfred said there should/will be severe consequences for such actions.  Ironic.