daniel loomanComment

Framed Invitational

daniel loomanComment
Framed Invitational

I received an email a couple of Fridays ago from a guy asking if I wanted to participate in a photo competition up in Leavenworth, WA. Not knowing if I could even pull it off, I responded immediately. “Yes, I'm in.” Only after sending the email did I realize I had a lot to do in three days if I was going to attend. I finished the work I had to complete over the weekend, drove over Stevens Pass into Leavenworth on Monday, and spent the week photographing locals doing what they love for work and play.

Framed is a photo invitational sponsored by the Leavenworth Mountain Association and supported by the local chamber of commerce and businesses. It brings people together for an event that includes slideshows from the five invited photographers, art, beer, a raffle, and live music. It was an honor to be invited.

The idea of the slideshow for all five participants was to create the feeling of what it’s like living in the town of Leavenworth.

Though my slideshow didn’t win, just being in the event was. Meeting and hanging with many cool locals in Leavenworth was a treat. They are the ones in the photos and to them I say thank you.

Here’s to you all. Cheers!
